The need for a simplified, minimalistic lifestyle is growing among college students. Balancing a rigorous class and lab schedule, social pressures, work responsibilities, study groups, travel, campus events and more can be very overwhelming for the average student. More and more young adults are finding it easier to streamline their lives and eliminate  pressures like keeping up with multiple bills, obligations to roommates, keeping up with “stuff”, moving expenses, etc. by opting to live in a  studio apartment.

Moving into a studio apartment is a strong motivator to simplify you lifestyle and rid yourself of belongings and responsibilites you may not need at this stage in your life. Many of our tenants enjoy the benefits of living in a studio apartment that are fully furnished, include utilities and have an on site laundry facility. Â We can think of many reasons one could benefit from renting a studio apartment instead of a one-bedroom unit. Â Here are a few that come to mind.
Saves Money.
This is the most obvious and the top reason renters may opt for a studio apartment. Â It’easier to keep utilities cost low when living in a studio apartment than a one-bedroom apartment. If your utilities are included, budgeting becomes easier when you only have to write one check each month. Another perk? Furnishing a studio apartment is simple comparied to larger spaces. All you nned are just a few key pieces, like a bed, desk, small love seat and table. Many of our studio apartments are even furnished. Saving money on rent, utilities, and furnishings is a much more economically appealing choice for renters on a budget.
You are Your Own Roommate.
This can be a “pro” or a “con” depending on your personality type. However, not having the social pressues and obligations of having a roommate can be a refreshing change. There is nobody to clean up for other than yourself, no need to divide costs or be considerate to anyone (except your neighbors). You can be as moody as you need to be, turn the lights off when you want, decorate as you please, watch whatever you want to watch. There are no boyfriends or girlfriends you have to tip toe around. We’re not gonna lie, life without a roommate can be nice and having a studio apartment is an affordable option.
Saves Time and Energy.
Time management is vital to any college student’s success, so the simpler your lifestyle, the better. When you have less space to furnish, few belongings to keep up with, few bills to manage, and no roommate or parties to contend with, you will find this frees up a tremendous amount of time and energy. When everything you own is located in the same room, it is much easier to keep track of and find what you need.
Studios can be Super Stylish.
Minimalism is in. When you have less space and less stuff, you will likely be smarter and more creative about storage and design. Many of our space-savvy tenants have come up with stylish layout and storage solutions to make their studios feel cozy and comfortable. Living in a studio forces you to prioritize what you really need and love so you elimate the rest.
Less Cleaning Required.
A smaller space means you’ll have less square footage and less stuff to keep clean. A simplified living space meants that every cleaning task, from dishes, to sweeping, to vacuuming and dusting is made much easier than even a on or two-bedroom apartment.
Better Location.
As a student, it’s likely you’re going to spend more time away from your apartment than in it. Studios are ideal for someone who is constantly on the go. Most of our studio apartments are close to campus and accessible by walking or biking, this means more excercise and a healthier lifestyle! Studio apartment dwellers are more likely to get out and explore events and places on and off campus.
If you think a studio apartment might be right for you, we can help! Call us at 541.485.7776 so we can help you search for the right place for you to call home.