As summer comes to a close, many of our tenants will be packing up and ready to move on their next adventure.
To help you with the transition, we found a handy checklist on for you to follow as you plan your next move.
Here are some of their suggestions we recommend along with some of our own:
5-6 weeks before you move
☠Set up a moving file or notebook to keep all of your moving information in one place.
☠Contact your insurance company to arrange for renter’s insurance at your new location and set a date to cancel your current policy after you move out.
☠Start gathering moving supplies and moving boxes.
4-5 weeks before your move
☠File a change of address form with the United States Postal Service. Click here to do it online.
☠Begin packing your belongings starting with the items you use less frequently.
☠Donate or throw away items you don’t need.
☠Start using up household items, such as frozen food or detergent, that you will not want to move. As you are packing to move please keep in mind that von Klein Property Management is accepting donations of nonperishable foods at its main office to donate to Food for Lane County.
☠Hire movers or arrange to rent a moving truck for your move.
☠Call your utility providers and make arrangements to have your utilities canceled after you move
out. Set up your utilities at your new locations. Utilities to set up may include phone, power, water and cable/satellite.
☠Arrange for temporary storage of items if needed.
2-3 weeks before your move
☠Cancel or transfer magazine and newspaper subscriptions.
☠Return any library books and collect any items out for repair or cleaning.
☠Review your lease agreement and our cleaning checklist to see what kind of cleaning is necessary when you move out. Click here to access the cleaning checklist.
The week of your move
☠Gather items from our suggested list of cleaners you will need: oven cleaner (unless you have a self cleaning oven), Windex for window cleaning, Ajax/Comet cleaner, Bleach (always be cautious with bleach around carpets and vinyl floors.) Scouring pads, A multipurpose degreasing cleaner, Rags, Paper towels, Toilet brush, Small stiff brush Vacuum, Mop and Wax
☠Thoroughly clean your apartment and prepare it for the check-out process using our cleaning checklist.
☠Confirm moving day details with your moving company or truck rental company.
☠Pack the essentials you will need shortly after you move in a Priority Box.
☠Pack the clothes, toiletries and personal items you will need in the days following your move in suitcases.
☠Schedule a walk through with someone from the main office to check the cleanliness of the apartment/house at least two days in advance. You may call the office at 541-485-7776 to make an appointment.
Moving Day
☠Finish any last minute packing, remembering to put any items you will need right away in your Priority Box.
☠Perform any last minute cleaning, and take out the trash.
☠Set out water or cold beverages for you and those helping you move.
☠Set aside any boxes/items that require special care and might need to be moved separately in a car. It is also a good idea to move any personal bags, suitcases, and your Priority Box separately so you can get to any items you might need immediately.
☠If you are moving yourself, pick up your moving truck and any moving accessories. Inspect the truck to make sure it is in good condition and that you have all the accessories you need. Make sure to pay attention to all the conditions you have to meet before you return the truck.
☠If you are moving yourself, load the items you will need right away last so they can be unloaded first.
☠If you are using a moving company, give the movers any special moving/handling instructions. Review and sign any paperwork when your movers arrive. Make sure that you understand what you’re signing and ask questions if you need to.
☠Be sure to have completed all items on our cleaning checklist.
☠Sign any final paperwork, perform any necessary final walk-throughs and turn over all keys and garage remotes to the office or complex manager during the scheduled walk-through. Get a copy of any final paperwork for your records.
☠Forwarding addresses must be left with the resident manager or our main office as well as the Post Office ( to ensure prompt return of your deposit.
☠Do NOT leave your keys in your apartment.

Click here for more helpful moving/cleaning tips.
photo credit: teadrinker via photopin cc