Make Moving Out A Breeze With These 10 Handy Tips



Moving on is so hard to do… but moving out doesn’t have to be! Stick to these tips to save yourself a headache come moving time.

#1 – Have Lots of Packing Supplies

Moving out requires boxes, packing tapes, bubble wrap, labels, pens, and more. Plan ahead for the move and stock up with more supplies than you need, or you’ll find yourself running back and forth constantly to stock up. 

#2 – Make a List

Did you remember to pack that special item that means so much to you? Which box did you put that cable in? By keeping an organized list as you’re packing you’ll be doing Future You a huge favor come unpacking time.

#3 – Keep Things Together

Resist the urge to toss random items into one box! Keep kitchen item together, bathroom items together, and so forth. This extends to moving day, see if you friends or movers can move the boxes that belong together at the same time.

#4 – Color Coordinate

Having a color system will make aforementioned organization much easier for packing, moving, and unpacking. Separate the rooms 

#5 – Use Wardrobe Boxes

Moving companies will often bring vertical moving boxes for you to transfer your clothes and clothes-hangers too. 

#6 – Valuable? Keep it with you

Avoid putting valuable jewelry in moving boxes if you can’t afford to lose it. This tip also extends to important papers, be sure to keep them close at hand. Don’t tempt fate!

#7 – Clean What You Can Ahead of Time

You’re going to need to clean before returning your apartment/home, but you can get started with cleaning now!

#8Pack an Overnight Bag

Chances are at the end of moving day you’ll be too tired to unpack boxes and find your toiletries and supplies. Pack an overnight bag with some toiletries and a change of clothes to give yourself a little breathing room before you need to unpack.

 #9 – Change Your Address Before Moving

Don’t wait until the last minute! It’s recommended you do this at least two weeks before moving.

#10 – Don’t Shop For Groceries On Your Last Week

Ideally you’ll be able to eat all the food in your fridge right in time for moving day and avoid having to throw anything out.


photo credit: moving house via photopin (license)

Handy Info For New Von Klein Property Management Tenants!

Larry & Carmon von Klein
Larry & Carmon von Klein have owned and operated Von Klein Property Management for 25+ years!

It’s the beginning of a new school year and September is going to a very busy month for the Von Klein staff- “Move In Days” are finally here!  We are here to help all of our residents have a smooth move in process so read through these tips and bookmark this post, you never know when this info will come in handy:

  • If your move in date and lease signing date are the same, your security deposit is due with your first month’s rent. Please note that you will not receive keys until you have a zero balance.
  • If you are moving in this month, your security deposit was due on August 1st. This policy is in place because it ensures that you have a zero balance on your account and causes less confusion at move in time.
  • To get a parking space you must come to our office (or see your onsite manager, if applicable) for a parking permit when we post a notice on your door for your complex that they are ready. Please bring your driver’s license and registration- and not your insurance. The car must be registered under your name or under your parents name. Each unit comes with ONE parking spot at no extra cost to you. If you lose or misplace your first parking permit, you may purchase a second parking permit for $5.00.
  • Plug the following numbers into your phone (if applicable)
    von Klein office – 541-485-7776
    von Klein Emergency – 541- 686-0743
    EWEB Electric Company – 541-484-6016
    Northwest Natural Gas – 541-351-3661
    Century Link Phone Company – 1-800-244-1111
    Comcast Cable Company – 541-484-3000
    University Police Station – 541-682-8350
    Diamond Parking – 541-343-3733
    UO Conflict Resolution Services: 541-346-0617
    Community Mediation Services 541-344-5366
    ASUO Legal Services 541-346-4273

Bookmark these University of Oregon Resources (in case you ever need them)

City of Eugene

  • City of Eugene
    Information about the City of Eugene including services and city events.
  • Eugene Police Department
    Safety and police enforcement information for students and community members.

City of Eugene Parking

Download these Off-Campus Resources

If you need any assistance, we are here to help!  Please contact our office during business hours at (541) 485-7776. Our office is located at 1301 Ferry St., Eugene, OR 97401. We are here to help you! Happy move in!

Going Somewhere for Winter Break? Follow These Safety Tips


Reposted from The Pond & Beyond

The holiday break brings relaxation from the day-to-day demands of college life and for many, an opportunity to leave the area to enjoy time with family and friends. However, students are not the only ones who look forward to this time of year!

Here are some tips to keep your things safe while you’re away.
These simple and effective tips to protect your property can make the difference between coming home relaxed and ready to take on the new challenges of winter term and becoming a statistic for future students to learn from.


Lock doors and windows
Take valuables like small electronics with you
Cose your blinds and leave a radio or TV and a light on


Don’t leave ANYTHING in your vehicle
Lock all doors and windows
Park in well-lit areas


Use a steering wheel locking device
Use a vehicle security system that disables the ignition

Not Leaving for the Break?
For those who will be in the area for winter break, help protector your neighbor’s stuff by reporting suspicious activity to the Eugene Police non-emergency number at 541-682-5111!

Be sure to click here to download our Winter Break Safety Tips!

photo credit: UC Irvine via photopin cc

Tips And Answers to Your Questions About Subleasing

Questions about subleases

We understand that life happens. For many number of reasons, you may find yourself in a situation where it’s necessary to take some time off and find a responsible person to take over your lease.

Whether you are taking a semester abroad, or taking an unexpected leave of absence, you must take steps to have successful subletting experience. Here are some tips and answers to some frequently asked questions:

Can I sublet my apartment with Von Klein Property Management Company?

Certainly! However, you need to come into our office at 1301 Ferry St. and fill out a sublet form.

Do you keep a list of residents who are trying to sublet their apartment and share that with interested prospects that call in?

Yes and we inform possible tenants when they come into the office. We also keep a sublease listing to share.

Do you have any recommendations for places I can post my sublet?

Craigs list and school boards seems to get the most activity. Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter is a great place find the ideal subletter. Ask the people in your networks for referrals.
Here are some other places to search and post ads

University Housing, 541-346-4277
Oregon Daily Emerald, 541-346-3712
The Register Guard, 541-388-2309
The Eugene Weekly, 541-484-0519
Eugene Craigslist

Do you have any other tips about finding a sublet?

Incentives are always good. Like first month’s rent free or offer to pay their security deposit.

Am I responsible for giving tours if I find a potential sublet?

If you are still living in the unit, it is up to you to schedule tours. However if the unit is vacant, we can always show or check out keys.

If I find someone interested in subletting my apartment, what do I do next?

Have them fill out an application and bring it to our office. If the office is close, we have a drop slot by our front door.

Are there any sublet fees?


What happens with my security deposit?

Once the new contract is signed and you have turned in keys, you give us a forwarding address to send your security deposit to.

If the person subletting my apartment does not pay rent or damages on the apartment, how will that affect me?

It doesn’t. They sign a new contract and you and your cosigner are off the hook

Any other words of advice?

Start early! As soon as you know that you will need to sublet your apartment, contact our office to give us your dates of departure and start your search.

Be Considerate of Your Roommate!

If you have a roommate that will live with the new renter, include them in the search process. This will help ensure that the roommate is comfortable with the new arrangement. And besides, if the tables were turned, wouldn’t you want to give input regarding who lives with you?

Keep in mind there is a difference between subletting and switching room mates. If you have questions regarding changing room mates, please call the office at (541) 485-7776 for further information about this, or any other questions you have.

Article Sources:

photo credit: Marko Rosic via photopin cc

von Klein Property Management is a Family Affair

von Klein
Larry and Carmen von Klein

Larry & Carmen von Klein

There are three things you should know about von Klein Property Management:

#1 We are a family company led by Larry and Carmen von Klein.
#2 We are real estate professionals who take a great deal of pride in our properties.
#3 We are MAJOR (we mean big time) U of O fans! Go Ducks!!

Larry and Carmen von Klein have been managing apartments since attending the University of Oregon.  Larry saw a need for a “hands-on” professional management company to properly manage the apartments and commercial properties.

He envisioned proper quality management and guidance involving the same criteria he had established as a Commercial Real Estate Broker.  Thus the partnership of von Klein Property Management began with Carmen von Klein managing the company.   Since that time, they have been property managers, owners and developers.

The operation of this company involves long term and very loyal employees, knowledgeable contractors, quality resident managers, and loyal vendors all having the same “24-7” attitude of professional management with value enhancement as the goal.

This mid-size family company also includes son Larry Jr., a partner in the business, and daughter-in-law Lauren (both University of Oregon graduates). Daughter Christine von Klein Clapp rounds out the family business background with her extensive escrow and mortgage experience.

This company’s track record speaks for itself. With great clients, pride of ownership properties, and excellence business relationships, von Klein Property Management remains an outstanding business in the community with a stellar reputation.

In addition to their business ventures, Larry, Carmen and many employees engage in a multitude of University of Oregon activities and strong community involvement. While still maintaining an active role in the company, Larry continues his brokerage activities, von Klein and Associates, LLC, Investment Real Estate.

As a family company, we understand that relationships mean everything. We would love to meet you and invite you to come see us during our business hours: Monday – Friday 9am to 4pm and Saturday 11am – 2pm!

To learn more about Larry Von Klein and his history with the U of O Ducks, The Von Klein Team: Winning with Duck Power