It’s hard to believe, but finals week is here! Final exams can be a stressful time for students, especially if you are juggling a job, an apartment and multiple activities. We wish all of our tenants good luck on finals or any exam you may be taking right now. Here are some tips to help you do your best!
1) Optimize and organize your study space
A well organized study room is very essential during this time. Make sure that you have enough space to organize your textbooks & notes, your chair & study table are comfortable and that the lighting in the room is good. be sure to remove any potential distractions like your phone, tablets (unless it’s needed to study), game systems, TV and anything else that would cause you to lose focus. If music is a distraction, replace it with white noise to minimize interruptions to your study time.
2) Eat right and exercise
It is CRITICAL to take care of your body during exam time, yet so many students neglect their health during this time. Stick to the basics: a balanced diet that includes vegetables & fruits, avoid sugar and go for healthy snacks (e.g. yoghurt, almonds, fruits) to keep your blood sugar stable. If you are going to study for a long time, eat some protein. On the day of the exams, do not forget to eat breakfast! Research has shown that high-carb, high-fiber, slow-digesting foods such as oatmeal are the best for exam day. Also, remember to drink plenty of water (at least 8 glasses a day) to keep your body hydrated. Exercise is also essential during this time as it helps you refresh your mind.
3) Manage your time wisely
It’s very common for students to wait until the last minute to “cram”, but according to experts, this is not advisable. Write down a list all the exams that you are preparing for, and then set a study timetable. Note that, there are some subjects that may require more study time than others however, you should never neglect any of them. Smart time management will also help you avoid cramming which lowers your ability to retain information.
4) Take regular breaks
Research shown that regular breaks are very essential for long term retention of knowledge. Not all the people are the same and therefore make sure that you develop a study routine that works for you. When you feel tired, take a short break to stretch and at least have your mind rest for a while before resuming your studies.
5) Look at the past exams
If possible, reviewing old exams will help you understand the format of the questions and train your brain to perform better on exam day. You can also time yourself to ensure that you spend the right amount of time on each section.
We hope these tips help you get through finals week successfully! On the day of the exam, make sure that you have everything that you will need ready (e.g. writing materials etc). Also get the directions of the room/place where the exam is going to take place and do not forget to look at the rules and regulations. Good luck!
photo credit: CollegeDegrees360 via photopin cc