Even the Score with UO $CORE



How much do you spend on electricity a month? What about water? Is it higher than you’d like to be spending? What if we told you that you could be helped with your bills and do your part to help the greater good in the process? That’s exactly the case with UO $CORE, a student run program to help students save money on their utility bills for environmentally-responsible practices.

$CORE stands for “Student and Community Outreach for Renter efficiency” and was started in 2012 by James Walton, a senior business major who secured a grant from Eugene Water and Electric Board to create the program. Through $CORE, student staff perform free audits and install upgrades in older, off-campus student rental housing while also helping student tenants by providing information, materials, and skills to help lower their carbon footprint and utility bills.

If you’re interested in hearing more about how $CORE can help you save money then you should register for a free energy assessment!

Energy Assessment

What does this assessment include? Simply put, two Energy Evaluators will come to your house and assess your energy needs. Over the course of an hour they will install low use devices such as CFL lightbulbs and weather stripping, while also give you some information on how to lower your energy consumption and carbon footprint.

Not only will your bills be lower and your house better for the environment, you’ll even get a free pizza from TrackTown Pizza if more than half the household is present!

Say hello to your new best friend.

Tips for Reducing Energy Use

$CORE’s Facebook page is constantly updated with handy tips to reduce your utility bills and carbon footprint. We’ve selected a few here to share.

  • Wrap your water tank with jacket insulation to save up to 10% on water heating costs.
  • Install low-flow showerheads.
  • When cooking on a stovetop, match the pan size to the heating surface to prevent heat loss to the surrounding air.
  • Put your computer and monitor to sleep mode (or off) when you’re not using them.
  • Replace your bulbs with Energy Star® efficient light bulbs.
  • Keep your freezer full to minimize energy used. For maximum savings fill the freezer with gallons of water.

A quick session with UO $CORE and you’ll have lower bills, a diminished carbon footprint, and free pizza!!! That’s what we call a win-win!

photo credit: CFL bulbs via photopin (license)

Decorating Your Rental on a Budget – Part Two


So you found an apartment and now you want to make it feel more like a home without spending a fortune. We know that decorating can be a challenge when your options are limited by rental rules.

Apartment Curtains

Make your windows a work of art. There are numerous ways to creatively dress up your windows without it costing a fortune.

  • Before you begin, measure your windows (starting from where you will install the curtain rod). This will help you determine how much fabric you will need (consult with a local fabric store to help you determine how much fabric you will need for this project)
  • Look for a basic medium-weight fabric such as cotton or a cotton-linen blend so it is easy to work with. Bright colors or patterns will give a refreshing contrast to the monotone white walls in your apartment.
  • To make your ceilings seem taller, hang the curtains 6-10 inches above the window.
  • Consult with a DYI website to get easy sewing tips on simple curtains. If you don’t sew, you can always use an adhesive fabric tape.
  • Hang your homemade curtains with inexpensive clip rings which can be purchased at most hardware stores or any Target or Walmart.
  • If you want an even easier window treatment, you can of course purchase inexpensive pre-made curtains at most stores. Fabric shower-curtains are another option, and are easy to install. You can even make a window valance using a scarf or a tablecloth.

Decide on your color scheme and stick...Blending colors that contrast with white walls will make the space feel more open. Cool colors like green, turquoise, blue, and purple can make a room feel more spacious and elegant. Warm colors like orange, yellow, and red can make the space appear cozy and intimate.



photo credit: June:22 via photopin (license)

Decorating Your Rental Property on a Budget (Part One)

Apartment Decorating

Ever wonder how you can personalize your apartment without spending a fortune or ruining your chances to get your deposit back?

Lots of our tenants have!  That’s why we have put together a list of simple decorating tips to help you make your apartment feel more like home.  Whether your taste is traditional, eclectic, minimalist or kitschy it is possible to create a desirable living space on without spending a fortune when you use a little bit of
creativity. Here are some ideas on how to decorate your rental property on a budget.

Bring in area rugs to add more color. If you are decorating on a budget, an area rug  is a big purchase. Look for bargains online and at discount stores like IKEA, thrift stores or resale sites like Ebay or CraigsList. Once you find the right rug that fits in with your color scheme, place the rug in the middle of the room to frame your space.

Brighten up standard walls and ceiling lights with DIY artwork ideas!

  • Add soft lighting throughout the apartment with inexpensive lamps with lamp shades rimmed with ribbon for a personalized designer look.
  • Tack a scarf or square of neat fabric to the ceiling over a drab boring light fixture. The fabric hangs far enough down that it won’t heat up or scorch, and the pretty colored light shines through below.
  • Staple fabric over a bulletin board. Hang on the wall and pin your favorite pictures on it.

Choose light and functional furniture (if possible). Chances are, you probably do not have a budget to buy all new furniture. For many of us apartment dwellers, our furniture chooses us when we inherit pieces from our family members. Despite popular belief, you don’t need as much furniture as you think.

  • Remember- what you move in, you will eventually need to move out. So go light and stick with the essential pieces- a few living room pieces for seating and storage, a dining room table, a bed and a dresser is really all you need to get started.
  • You can find great deals on used furniture at thrift stores or resale sites like CraigsList.
  • If you get a thrift store sofa, consider covering it with an inexpensive slip cover in a soft or muted color that blends with your accent colors.
  • Repurposing furniture from a thrift store is also great way to go green.
  • If you must buy new furniture, find some that you can assemble yourself (IKEA is a great place to find this). This will make moving in and moving out easier.
  • Make your own throw pillows in the same color scheme as your curtains to pull together the look in your living room and bedroom.
  • Go to the local discount store or dollar store for more basic items like kitchen utensils, trash cans and more.

Going Somewhere for Winter Break? Follow These Safety Tips


Reposted from The Pond & Beyond

The holiday break brings relaxation from the day-to-day demands of college life and for many, an opportunity to leave the area to enjoy time with family and friends. However, students are not the only ones who look forward to this time of year!

Here are some tips to keep your things safe while you’re away.
These simple and effective tips to protect your property can make the difference between coming home relaxed and ready to take on the new challenges of winter term and becoming a statistic for future students to learn from.


Lock doors and windows
Take valuables like small electronics with you
Cose your blinds and leave a radio or TV and a light on


Don’t leave ANYTHING in your vehicle
Lock all doors and windows
Park in well-lit areas


Use a steering wheel locking device
Use a vehicle security system that disables the ignition

Not Leaving for the Break?
For those who will be in the area for winter break, help protector your neighbor’s stuff by reporting suspicious activity to the Eugene Police non-emergency number at 541-682-5111!

Be sure to click here to download our Winter Break Safety Tips!

photo credit: UC Irvine via photopin cc

von Klein Property Management is a Family Affair

von Klein
Larry and Carmen von Klein

Larry & Carmen von Klein

There are three things you should know about von Klein Property Management:

#1 We are a family company led by Larry and Carmen von Klein.
#2 We are real estate professionals who take a great deal of pride in our properties.
#3 We are MAJOR (we mean big time) U of O fans! Go Ducks!!

Larry and Carmen von Klein have been managing apartments since attending the University of Oregon.  Larry saw a need for a “hands-on” professional management company to properly manage the apartments and commercial properties.

He envisioned proper quality management and guidance involving the same criteria he had established as a Commercial Real Estate Broker.  Thus the partnership of von Klein Property Management began with Carmen von Klein managing the company.   Since that time, they have been property managers, owners and developers.

The operation of this company involves long term and very loyal employees, knowledgeable contractors, quality resident managers, and loyal vendors all having the same “24-7” attitude of professional management with value enhancement as the goal.

This mid-size family company also includes son Larry Jr., a partner in the business, and daughter-in-law Lauren (both University of Oregon graduates). Daughter Christine von Klein Clapp rounds out the family business background with her extensive escrow and mortgage experience.

This company’s track record speaks for itself. With great clients, pride of ownership properties, and excellence business relationships, von Klein Property Management remains an outstanding business in the community with a stellar reputation.

In addition to their business ventures, Larry, Carmen and many employees engage in a multitude of University of Oregon activities and strong community involvement. While still maintaining an active role in the company, Larry continues his brokerage activities, von Klein and Associates, LLC, Investment Real Estate.

As a family company, we understand that relationships mean everything. We would love to meet you and invite you to come see us during our business hours: Monday – Friday 9am to 4pm and Saturday 11am – 2pm!

To learn more about Larry Von Klein and his history with the U of O Ducks, The Von Klein Team: Winning with Duck Power