Spring is just around the corner, and for many, that means Spring Break!  Before you hit the road, consider taking a little time to do some Spring Cleaning.  Messy apartments are just small messes that accumulate over time. Deal with messes as they’re made and cleaning will be easier in the long run. Consider these helpful tips to keep things looking great throughout the year.
Keep A Cleaning Schedule
You may have seen this tip in our Roommate Etiquette 101 post but it’s so useful we’re going to mention it again! Keeping a cleaning schedule not only ensures that your living space will look fantastic but also clears up any ambiguity of who cleans what. Too much time is wasted bickering over which mess is whose responsibility.
Wipe Down Your Counters
Wipe down your countertop surfaces every other day to ensure that any spills and residue are removed and that germs are disinfected.
Mop Your Floor
Now that you’re done wiping down the counters pass the mop on the floor to clean up any dirt that may have fallen below.
Clean Out The Fridge
It’s hard to look towards the future when you’re bringing along the expired foods of 2015. Give the fridge a good wipe down and toss out any food that’s gone bad.
Organize Your Bathroom Cabinets
Do you open your bathroom cabinets only to find shampoo and conditioner bottles collapsed on each other? How about snaking cords from dryers and razors? Try grouping your products by use (shampoos, conditioners, gels…) at least once a week. You’ll see how much easier it is to get ready in the morning.
Clean Your Toilets and Shower
This is no one’s favorite part of the cleaning cycle but it’s very important. Aim to clean your toilet and shower at least once every two weeks.
Get That Junk Off Your Table Surfaces
A coffee table can have some coasters on it, some remote controls, and even a coffee table book. What it shouldn’t have is mail piling up and random things that were never put away. Toss out what’s useless and put away what isn’t and you’ll see how much better it feels to have some open table space.
Pass The Vacuum
Dust gets everywhere, and it’s even more prevalent in common areas such as the living room. Pass the vacuum throughout the house at least once every two weeks (more often is advisable).
Launder Your Bed Sheets
Toss your bed sheets into the laundry at least once every two weeks. You’ll see the difference that sleeping in clean sheets makes.
Make Your Bed
Make your bed each day, if possible before leaving the house. There’s a psychological benefit to coming home to a made bed every day and you’ll start the day with something already accomplished
There, now you have a clean, organized apartment and some easy to follow schedules to guarantee it stays that way until you move out. Best of luck!
photo credit: Red Couch Project Set 10 (65 of 70) via photopin (license)